On Saturday we drove to Cooperstown to visit my Grandfather. My mom had brought along a present for him to give Paige to break the ice and it worked like a charm. She opened the gift, a Littlest Pet Shop set of games, and she played tic tac toe with her Great-Grandpa. Both were smiling the whole time. While we were there we also helped him put some cards and photos in an album and Paige decorated his room as well. It was only a short visit, but it was so nice to see Paige, my mom, and Grandpa interacting together. I have great memories of my great grandparents and I hope Paige will have a few of her last living Great Grandparent.
This week we party at school and at playgroup. Let the eating of goodies begin. Of course I already started since I made peanut brittle (the easy way in the microwave) tonight. I still have cookies and fudge to make in preparation for next week. Paige says we have to leave milk, cookies, and a crescent roll for Santa. We had a very serious discussion about where the plate and milk would be left. After talking through the pros and cons of three locations she finally decided it would be under the tree. Santa won't miss them there.
I hope you and yours are enjoying a wonderful holiday season.
Opening presents with Grandma and Grandpa.
Showing Grandma and Grandpa the calendar we made them.
Playing tic tac toe with Great Grandpa.
1 comment:
That's a darling picture of Paige with G'pa/Great G'pa! His coloring looks better than when we saw him. Good to see him smiling too! Glad Paige got to have an early Christmas with G'ma and G'pa too! Looks like you all had a great time!
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