Saturday, January 03, 2009

Happy Holidays!

We hope you had a wonderful Holiday Season! We had a wonderful Christmas morning where Paige tore through the paper on the gifts. Santa fulfilled almost all her wishes including the Hannah Montana guitar, a Leapster2, and a makeup doll. Her only request not filled was a remote controlled airplane. We told her perhaps Santa felt she should be a little older for that toy. After breakfast and some playtime we headed to Scott's family for more presents and dinner. After dinner we played with all the kids new toys. Scott and I had to wait until today to get our new toy. We got a new Dell computer. It looks great and everything but the Internet is working so I'm writing this post from the old computer. I guess we will be spending some time with Comcast and/or Dell support tomorrow.

Paige has been enjoying her new toys. The easy bake oven has proved to be a bit of a challenge. Everything that she has tried to make has burned. First it was the cake she and the babysitter tried to make, then the cookies she and Scott tried to make. It seems the cooking times given in the directions need to be cut in half. The Leapster2 has made a few car trips and the make up doll has had several session for both her face and hair. The guitar also gets played and she sings along with it. The guitar was a popular toy today when we had some friends over.

The other day Paige was putting on a bracelet she got from Santa and she saw it said "Made in China" on it. She asked Scott and I "How come so much of the stuff Santa brought says made in China?" She's 4, she cannot start questioning Santa yet!!!!!!! We told her Santa has workshops all over and that sometimes he has to buy some things he cannot make. The answer seemed to satisfy her for now.

Now since you really want the pictures, there a some in this post and the next one down. Enjoy!


Paige in front of the Christmas tree.
Reaction to opening the guitar she really wanted.Rocking out with the guitar in the High School Musical Cheerleader outfit
Playing with the Leapster.
Applying eye shadow to the doll.

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