Saturday, December 20, 2008

Snow much fun!

As we continue to dig out, Paige enjoys the snow.

Making her way up the snow hill.

Clawing her way to the top.

I made it!
This was fun!
Snow angels.

Friday, December 19, 2008


We got over 10 inches of the white stuff today so no school or work for us. We went out and played in our winter wonderland.

Monday, December 15, 2008

New York Christmas

This past weekend we spent visiting my parents and my grandfather in New York. We arrived on a snowy night and woke up the next morning to 4 inches of snow. We spent the day cooking, eating, playing in the snow, and opening presents. My parents finally got to see the joy of grand kids opening presents first hand. Paige ripped through the paper this time, quite a change from last Christmas where she would tear off a little bit and hand it to mom or dad, tear off a bit more, hand it to mom and dad and 2 minutes later she might have finished opening the present. It was also nice to share Paige's joyous spirit in their home. We spend so little time with them it's nice to be able to make it joyous and fun while we are there.

On Saturday we drove to Cooperstown to visit my Grandfather. My mom had brought along a present for him to give Paige to break the ice and it worked like a charm. She opened the gift, a Littlest Pet Shop set of games, and she played tic tac toe with her Great-Grandpa. Both were smiling the whole time. While we were there we also helped him put some cards and photos in an album and Paige decorated his room as well. It was only a short visit, but it was so nice to see Paige, my mom, and Grandpa interacting together. I have great memories of my great grandparents and I hope Paige will have a few of her last living Great Grandparent.

This week we party at school and at playgroup. Let the eating of goodies begin. Of course I already started since I made peanut brittle (the easy way in the microwave) tonight. I still have cookies and fudge to make in preparation for next week. Paige says we have to leave milk, cookies, and a crescent roll for Santa. We had a very serious discussion about where the plate and milk would be left. After talking through the pros and cons of three locations she finally decided it would be under the tree. Santa won't miss them there.

I hope you and yours are enjoying a wonderful holiday season.

Opening presents with Grandma and Grandpa.
Showing Grandma and Grandpa the calendar we made them.

Playing tic tac toe with Great Grandpa.
Helping put pictures and cards in the album.
I love this picture of Grandpa and Paige.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

WOW! I cannot believe it's been a whole month since I last posted. It seems we have spent the last month passing around illness. We are all on the mend at the moment, but with Paige is school it seems we get more stuffy noses than usual.

We spent a peaceful Thanksgiving with Scott's family enjoying good food and a rousing game of spoons (It's a card game for those who have never played). We of course ate too much and are already starting to talk about the weight loss resolution for next year.
On a funny note Paige's class made gingerbread cookies today. She got very upset when the cookies disappeared from the kitchen. Last year she was in tears and inconsolable and it took me a while later to figure out she was scared there was a fox roaming around her school. This year she was upset again about the fox. The school director pulled Paige aside and asked her if she could keep a secret. Paige agreed so when the other kids left, the director showed Paige the unharmed cookies in the pantry. She was apparently fine after that.

The Christmas cards are in the mail, but I'll post it here as well in case we don't have your address, or you've moved since last year. Have a wonderful holiday season!
