Thursday, May 21, 2009

Paige's Preschool graduation

Yesterday Paige graduated from preschool, sniff sniff. They wore little caps and gowns and had a short ceremony. This kids walked in, stood before the parents, said the pledge of allegiance and sang a song. Then their teacher, Ms. Correen, called them each up to get their diplomas. Paige got a special award for knowing all 36 sight words. The teacher had prepared binders of the kids work and a time capsule not to be opened until 2022 when they graduate from high school. Paige has already asked numerous times if she could open it and what was in it. Finally, the teacher gave them a envelope with things to work on over the summer. Paige had hers open and reading one of the books to Grandma 5 minutes after we left school. She'll probably have the work done by mid next week :) Below are a few of the pictures from the day. You can see the complete album of photos at:

Wee Discover Class of 2009

Paige getting her diploma

She was so proud of herself. She told everyone we saw that day that she had graduated from preschool.Family photo
The cap and certificate

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

This year I experienced my first Mother's Day Tea at Paige's school. Last year I was in New York with my mom helping her deal with the loss of her mother, my grandmother. This year Paige told me ahead of time that I had to be there this year. I promised I would be. Paige helped my pick out the clothes choosing the silk blouse my sister had sent my for my birthday. Paige made me paper flowers and a plaque and she served my and my mother-in-law cookies and fruit for tea. She cleaned up after we were done as well. It was so sweet.