Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

This year I experienced my first Mother's Day Tea at Paige's school. Last year I was in New York with my mom helping her deal with the loss of her mother, my grandmother. This year Paige told me ahead of time that I had to be there this year. I promised I would be. Paige helped my pick out the clothes choosing the silk blouse my sister had sent my for my birthday. Paige made me paper flowers and a plaque and she served my and my mother-in-law cookies and fruit for tea. She cleaned up after we were done as well. It was so sweet.


Tami Asars said...

Looks like you guys had a great Mother's Day! It's hard to believe that Grandma's service was a year ago. Time sure goes by quickly. It probably flies even faster when measured to how fast Paige is growing. She looks so big in these posts!

Traci K said...

Cute pictures! Looks like you (and Paige) had a great Mother's Day! Was Patrick the friend Kim had from Colgate? If that's him, I think I met him when I was there that year visiting Kim.:)